Create Your First Chart There are two (2) ways to create a chart: 1. The New Chart Button The most direct way to create...
Interactive Focus You can isolate various chart factors by selecting specific elements of your charts. This can be a very helpful learning...
Synastry & Biwheels The leading design philosophy behind LUNA is to allow for intuitive navigation. This means that you don’t need to hunt...
Composite Charts Casting Composite charts is easy once you know how to create Synastry & Biwheel charts: Switch Between Biwheels & Composite Charts When...
Auxiliary Charts In LUNA, other chart types based on a natal chart or an event (radix) are called Auxiliary Charts. These include...
Create, Edit & Delete Charts LUNA organizes all of your charts under a Chart Profile. This means when you create a radix chart, additional auxiliary charts...
Time Zones Correct for Daylight Savings Time (DST) Determining the appropriate timezone, DST value and UTC offset are all challenging aspects of...
Importing Charts LUNA allows you to import your radix (natal/event) charts from other astrology software. At this time, importing charts must be...
Chart Animation One of the key features in LUNA is the ability to animate your chart in real-time. LUNA provides a scaled-to-fit...
DataSheets A DataSheet is a screen in LUNA that contains various astrological details of the current chart you’re viewing. The following...
Chart Point DataSheet The Chart Points DataSheet provides a list of data for each calculated chart point that is enabled in your settings....
Tags Tagging charts is a convenient and flexible way to organize your data. There are two (2) different ways you can...
Chart Point DataCard When viewing a chart in LUNA, you can select (i.e. click or tap) a planet to focus on it. This...
Aspect DataCard When viewing a chart in LUNA, you can select (i.e. click or tap) an aspect to focus on it. This...
Midpoint DataCard When viewing a chart in LUNA, you can select (i.e. click or tap) a midpoint to focus on it. This...
Chart Profiles “Charts” is one of the main navigation items in LUNA. This option opens up your Chart Profiles screen which provides...
Secondary Progressed Charts In the Chart Menu on a radix/natal chart page, select the Secondary Progressed option to instantly cast a Secondary Progressed...
Solar Arc Directed Charts In the Chart Menu on a radix/natal chart page, select the Solar Arc Directed option to instantly cast a Solar...
Planetary Return Charts LUNA supports casting Planetary Return charts for the luminaries, the major planets, the outer planets, the Lunar Nodes, Black Moon...
Relocated Charts In the Chart Menu on a radix/natal chart page, enter a new location into the Relocate form field to instantly...
Responsive Design Modes LUNA is a web application which means it is built to accommodate all screen sizes and types, from large desktop...