My Searches

Your ephemeris searches can be found under the “My Searches” tab of the Ephemeris main navigation section. To access this screen:

  • Login to your account if you’re not already logged in.
  • [Desktop] Select “Ephemeris” from the main navigation (top of the screen); or,
  • [Mobile] Select the “more” link (3 dots) from the upper-right of the screen, then select “Ephemeris”.
  • Select the “My Searches” tab.

Page Layout


  • The left side of the screen displays all of your searches, organized by their status.
  • The right side of the screen is blank by default, and is where your Timeline will display events when you select a search.

On desktop computers and other large screens, the “My Searches” page looks like the above screen capture.


  • Your searches appear in a drawer at the top of the screen (“Completed Searches”); tap to open it and see your searches.
  • The main area of the screen is blank by default, and is where your Timeline will display events when you select a search.

On mobile devices, the “My Searches” page uses a drawer that lets you open and close it to reveal your searches.

Managing Searches

To edit a completed search, select the pencil icon in the relevant search card. Make whatever changes you like and submit the form to re-run the search.

You can delete any of your searches from the edit screen. First select the pencil icon in the relevant search card. Then select the “Delete” button located in the lower right of the form. You will be asked to confirm if you want to delete the search and its results. Click “OK” to confirm the delete operation, or “Cancel” to cancel it.

Good to Know!

It’s ok if you accidentally delete a search that you wanted to keep. Simply start a new search using the same criteria as you originally used and LUNA will find the same events for you again.

Viewing Search Results

Create a Timeline

The events found in your searches (also called “search results”) are displayed in your Timeline. You can load one (1) or more set of search results into your Timeline at once. To do this:

  • [Desktop] Select one (1) or more cards from the left sidebar.
  • [Mobile] Open the “Completed Searches” drawer at the top of the screen, then select the relevant search card(s).

The events for the selected searches will appear in your Timeline in chronological order, starting with the oldest event first. You can reverse this direction by selecting the “Date” column link.

A Timeline showing all events from multiple completed searches.

Filter a Timeline

The Timeline can be browsed and filtered easily. This lets you compose multiple search results into a single Timeline, then provide a date and/or keyword filter to only see the specific set of events you’re interested in.

You can even download this filtered Timeline for your personal use such as a calendar or spreadsheet.

Here is the list of available Timeline filters:

  • Start Date: Only show events that occur on or after this date.
  • End Date: Only show events that occur on or before this date.
  • Keyword Filter: Only show events where the keyword(s) apply.

A Timeline showing a filtered set of events from multiple completed searches.

Power Filtering

All of the metadata related to each event is searchable by the Timeline filter. You can use some natural astrology jargon such as “sun square moon” to filter all of the Sun-Moon square aspects that are in your timeline. Add a sign name to the end of it for even more control over the filtered results.

For example, entering “sun square moon libra” will filter all Sun-Moon squares from your Timeline where either planet is in the sign of Libra.

When viewing your Timeline, you may wish to view the entire chart for that event. Select any event in the Timeline to view the chart for it. You will see a new panel called Timeline Navigator which allows you to step through your Timeline backwards and forwards. This lets you view all of the events one at a time in detail.

If you animate the chart using the Spacetime Navigator, the Timeline Navigator can easily return you to the original event you selected. Just select the “Reload Event” button.

When you want to return to your Timeline, select the “Back to Timeline” button and you’ll be taken back to the Timeline you created, just as you left it.

Select the “Close Panel” link in the Timeline Navigator panel to remove it from the chart view.

Make it Personal

You can also navigate a timeline in a biwheel layout with any of your saved charts. See this help article for more details.

LUNA chart layout showing the Timeline Navigator.
The Timeline Navigator provides controls for moving backwards and forwards across your filtered Timeline.

Side-by-side view of two mobile screens showing the Timeline Navigator collapsed and expanded.
On mobile, the Timeline Navigator appears at the bottom of your screen in a drawer.

Download Your Timeline

Download your Timeline as a spreadsheet or calendar file. This allows you to import the events in your Timeline into your calendar, or to run an analysis against other data sets such as financial figures.

When viewing your Timeline, you can select the “Download” button to pick from the two (2) different data file formats.

Calendar Format

The Calendar (ICS) format is a standard calendar file format that you can import into your Google, Apple, Microsoft Outlook, or any other calendar tool that you prefer to use.

Here is an example of the Calendar (ICS) format after importing it into a Google Calendar.

Spreadsheet Format

The Spreadsheet (CSV) format file can be used in any spreadsheet program such as Google Sheets, Apple Numbers or Microsoft Excel.

Here is an example of the Spreadsheet (CSV) format after importing it into Google Sheets.

Good to Know!

When downloading your Timeline, LUNA will include all of the events within your currently applied filters. This lets you compose any of your of searches into your Timeline, apply your filters, and download only the data you want to use.

Updated on April 22, 2024
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