• Planetary Return Charts

    LUNA supports casting Planetary Return charts for the luminaries, the major planets, the outer planets, the Lunar Nodes, Black Moon Lilith, the main asteroids and the hypothetical planets from the school of Uranian Astrology (a.k.a. Cosmobiology). In the Chart Menu on a radix/natal chart page, you will find the Return…

  • Solar Arc Directed Charts

    In the Chart Menu on a radix/natal chart page, select the Solar Arc Directed option to instantly cast a Solar Arc Directed chart for the radix. By default, LUNA will calculate the SA chart for the current time and the radix location. You can easily change this once the chart…

  • Secondary Progressed Charts

    In the Chart Menu on a radix/natal chart page, select the Secondary Progressed option to instantly cast a Secondary Progressed (SP) chart for the radix. By default, LUNA will calculate the SP chart for the current time and the radix location. You can easily change this once the chart is…

  • Asteroid Catalog DataSheet

    The Asteroid Catalog DataSheet is accessible from the Chart Point DataSheet. When navigating to the Chart Point DataSheet, you will see a tab for “Asteroid Catalog”. Select this tab to view a calculated list of the available asteroids in LUNA. Here is an asteroid showing on the chart:

  • Integrated Event Browsing

    LUNA makes it easy to find specific astrological events such as aspects, zodiac sign changes and direction changes. In addition to searching specifically for these events by using the Ephemeris Search, you can also navigate to these events from within a Chart Point DataCard or the Apects DataSheet. Chart Point…

  • Midpoint DataCard

    When viewing a chart in LUNA, you can select (i.e. click or tap) a midpoint to focus on it. This is called Interactive Focus and you can read more about it here. Once a midpoint is focused, you can select it a second time to open its DataCard. The Midpoint DataCard…

  • Aspect DataCard

    When viewing a chart in LUNA, you can select (i.e. click or tap) an aspect to focus on it. This is called Interactive Focus and you can read more about it here. Once an aspect is focused, you can select it a second time to open its DataCard. The Aspect DataCard…

  • Chart Point DataCard

    When viewing a chart in LUNA, you can select (i.e. click or tap) a planet to focus on it. This is called Interactive Focus and you can read more about it here. Once a planet (or chart point) is focused, you can select it a second time to open its…