• Chart Styles

    You can have LUNA draw your charts in four (4) different styles: Show house cusp details on outer ring. This style displays the zodiac sign along with its degree and minute notation for each house cusp along the outermost ring of the chart. Intercepted signs will also show where appropriate….

  • Chart Colors

    Color Themes LUNA comes with two (2) different color themes that can be changed anytime you like. The default theme is “Solar” and uses a brighter color palette. The “Lunar” theme is also very popular and great for viewing charts in dimmer lighting conditions. Full Color / Monochrome

  • Home Location

    Your “Home Location” is used to show you the current transit chart when you first login to LUNA. You setup your home location when you login to your account for the first time, but it can be changed in your preferences whenever you like. It’s not necessary to use a…

  • How to See Timeline Events in a Biwheel

    The Ephemeris Search is a powerful feature that lets you combine multiple search results into a unified timeline that’s browsable in both a list and chart format. However, what if you want to view these events in a biwheel with one of your saved charts and still navigate through them…

  • House Systems

    LUNA supports thirty-three (33) different house systems: For more information on how each house system is calculated, please see this FAQ page from Astrodienst. Angles & House Sizing Sometimes called “Proportional Houses” in other astrology programs, this setting tells LUNA whether you want the MC/IC axis to draw vertically (i.e….

  • How to See Biwheel Aspects

    When viewing two charts in a biwheel layout, LUNA provides several different ways for you to see the aspects both within each chart and between the two charts. Chart Layers Look for the “3 dots” icon in the upper-right of any biwheel layout and click or tap it to open…

  • Responsive Design Modes

    LUNA is a web application which means it is built to accommodate all screen sizes and types, from large desktop monitors, to tablets and mobile smartphones. Due to the space constraints that smaller screens enforce, LUNA employees a practice known as “Responsive Design” which means that elements on-screen can appear…

  • Info Panel

    In LUNA, the left side of a chart displays the Info Panel. On a mobile device, the info panel is stacked and collapsed at the top of the screen. This panel lists basic data points including the date, time and location of the chart. Access additional details about the chart by…

  • Triwheels & Quadwheels

    Although triwheel and quadwheel support is on our roadmap, at this time LUNA only supports setting up biwheels. However, there is a workaround that will let you view more than two (2) charts at a time which can be a handy way to analyze charts in the meantime. Here’s how…

  • Relocated Charts

    In the Chart Menu on a radix/natal chart page, enter a new location into the Relocate form field to instantly cast a Relocated chart for the radix. You can easily relocate to other locations once the initial Relocated chart is cast. You can use the Relocation Navigator to enter a…