How do I update my name and/or email address?
When you’re logged into LUNA, you can easily change your name and email address:
- [Desktop] Select your name from the upper-right of the screen or…
- [Mobile] Select the “more” link (3 dots) from the upper-right of the screen.
- A menu will display with a “My Account” link.
- Select that link to view your account details.
- Select “Edit User” to change your name and/or email address.
How do I change my password?
For security purposes, your password can only be reset by using the email address associated with your account. To begin the process:
- First make sure you have access to your email account.
- Logout if you’re currently logged in.
- Click the link below the login button that says, “Forgot your password?”
- Enter your email address on the next screen & select “Send Instructions”.
- You will receive an email with a secure, time-sensitive link.
- Use that link to update your password.