Horoscope DataSheet

The Horoscope DataSheet is the first screen that displays by default when you open a chart, and when you first log into the application.

Select this icon from the toolbar to view the current chart.

This DataSheet shows the chart itself along with navigation options that are available, which depend on the specific chart type you’re viewing.

Chart Layouts

There are different chart layouts depending on what type of chart you’re viewing. Below are examples of the different chart types and their corresponding layouts.

Each section of the chart layout that differs from each one is identified and explained below.

Transits Chart Layout

The transit chart layout is the default view in LUNA.

1. Info Panel

  • Provides technical details of the chart that is currently in the layout.
  • Displays a “Save” icon indicating the transit chart can be saved to your chart profiles.
  • Shows summary data in various panels which can be expanded. Read more about the Info Panel summaries here.

2. Chart Menu

  • Provides easy access to many of your settings which can be changed without leaving the chart layout.
  • Allows adding a chart from your saved profiles to the current transit chart, creating a biwheel.
  • The transit chart will be added as the outer chart with your saved chart on the inside.


The Chart Menu is contextual. This means the options available in it will change depending on what’s in your chart layout. In this example, there is only one (1) available option which is to add one of your saved charts to the layout, creating a biwheel.

3. Spacetime Navigator

Transit chart layout on a mobile device.
When viewing a chart on your mobile device, the layout re-arranges to accommodate the different screen size. Notice that the three (3) panels are collapsed into drawers that you can tap to open.

Radix Chart Layout

The radix chart layout has many more options in the Chart Menu.

1. Info Panel

  • Provides technical details of the chart that is currently in the layout.
  • Displays an “Edit” icon indicating the transit chart can be edited (go here to delete it as well).
  • Shows summary data in various panels which can be expanded. Read more about the Info Panel summaries here.

2. Chart Menu

Updated on February 18, 2024
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