• Infographic DataSheet

    The Infographic DataSheet provides a visual representation of some of the most common considerations when looking at a chart. It can be a great way for students and practitioners to get a high-level sense of a chart quickly. Select this icon from the toolbar to view the Infographic DataSheet for…

  • Horoscope DataSheet

    The Horoscope DataSheet is the first screen that displays by default when you open a chart, and when you first log into the application. Select this icon from the toolbar to view the current chart. This DataSheet shows the chart itself along with navigation options that are available, which depend…

  • Chart Point DataSheet

    The Chart Points DataSheet provides a list of data for each calculated chart point that is enabled in your settings. Select this icon from the toolbar to view the Chart Points DataSheet for the current chart. This list displays the following data for each chart point: Uniwheel Charts When looking…

  • My Searches

    Your ephemeris searches can be found under the “My Searches” tab of the Ephemeris main navigation section. To access this screen: Page Layout Desktop On desktop computers and other large screens, the “My Searches” page looks like the above screen capture. Mobile On mobile devices, the “My Searches” page uses a drawer…

  • Aspect DataSheet

    The Aspects DataSheet provides the same data as an aspectarian (or aspect grid) but is more interactive. Select this icon from the toolbar to view the Aspects DataSheet for the current chart. LUNA’s Aspects DataSheet allows you to see at a glance the number of aspects calculated for the current…

  • DataSheets

    A DataSheet is a screen in LUNA that contains various astrological details of the current chart you’re viewing. The following DataSheets are available: Specific information about which DataSheets to expect for various chart types is outlined throughout this section of the documentation. Toolbar When viewing a chart in LUNA, you…

  • Chart Animation

    One of the key features in LUNA is the ability to animate your chart in real-time. LUNA provides a scaled-to-fit chart display, convenient layout and fluid navigation to allow you to easily cast a chart for any time and location. Familiarizing yourself with these features will help you navigate planetary…

  • Ephemeris Generator

    An ephemeris is a reference tool for tracking planetary motion and transits. There are a variety of ways an ephemeris can be utilized. With LUNA you can easily generate a custom ephemeris based on the location and time interval parameters you set. Select or deselect chart points, ecliptic and equatorial…

  • Time Zones

    Correct for Daylight Savings Time (DST) Determining the appropriate timezone, DST value and UTC offset are all challenging aspects of calculating astrology charts. Yet these are extremely important values to determine correctly in order to calculate an accurate chart. While this isn’t the place to go into the topic in…