• “My Searches” – Chart Point Search Results

    After you enter your search criteria, you can view a list of chart points that match your inputs. All of your previous searches will display as “cards” that you can select to view the results. Only one (1) set of results can display at a time. Prerequisites Mobile Smartphone Layout…

  • “My Searches” – Chart Point Search

    LUNA provides the ability for you to search an individual chart based on specific astrological criteria. This is a powerful feature that enables finding significant chart points easier than simply scanning the chart visually. For instance, you can look specifically for chart points that are making a conjunction with the…

  • Fixed Stars DataSheet

    The Fixed Stars DataSheet is accessible from the Chart Point DataSheet. When navigating to the Chart Point DataSheet, you will see a tab for “Fixed Stars”. Select this tab to view a calculated list of the available fixed stars in LUNA. Here is a fixed star showing on the chart:

  • Date & Time Formats

    LUNA provides several different date formats and two different time formats to make entering and reading chart data easier for you. When you first setup your account, you’ll be asked to set your date and time format preference. However, you can change this easily at any time by navigating to…

  • Composite Midpoint Base

    When calculating composite midpoint charts, you have the option of basing the houses for the chart on either the Ascendant or the Midheaven. The reason this is important is because composite midpoint charts are not “real” charts. This means they don’t represent a time and place like most other charts (specifically…

  • Tropical & Sidereal Zodiacs

    The default zodiac for LUNA is the tropical zodiac. LUNA also supports sidereal calculations for all charts. Simply choose from one of the available eight (8) ayanamsas:

  • Chart Point Calculations

    Some chart points have different methods of calculation. For instance, while most of the time planets are calculated geocentrically, the Parallax Moon option will calculate the Moon topocentrically. This page contains the different types of calculation options available in LUNA for various chart points. Parallax Moon (Locus) Planetary positions are…

  • Auto-Scaling

    If enabled, auto-scaling will dynamically reduce the size of chart points and other chart elements based on the number of chart points you have selected for display. When enabling a large number of chart points, you may find it helpful to enable this option to better accommodate the extra data.

  • Chart Point Indicators

    A chart point indicator allows you to more easily see where a planet or chart point is positioned in the chart. Due to physical space constraints, chart points often collide with each other and must be drawn away from their actual zodiac positions. For example, a New Moon chart cannot…